As You Like It Act 5 scene 2 - Captn's Lounge Studios

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As You Like It Act 5 scene 2

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Performance; As You Like It Act 5, scene 2
Performance of a scene from Shakespeare's As You Like It.

Act 5, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" is the final scene of the play and serves as the resolution to various plotlines. In this scene, all the characters are gathered in the Forest of Arden, where most of the play takes place. The scene contains elements of reconciliation, love, and celebration. Here is a brief summary and analysis of the key moments in the scene:


The scene opens with Duke Senior, Orlando, Oliver, and other nobles in the forest. Orlando and Oliver reconcile their differences, and Oliver reveals that he has fallen in love with Celia (disguised as Aliena). He also announces that he intends to marry her, and Duke Senior gladly gives his blessing to the union.

Meanwhile, Rosalind (disguised as Ganymede) reveals her true identity to Orlando, who is both relieved and delighted. They declare their love for each other, and Rosalind promises to marry him if he will have her. Orlando agrees wholeheartedly.

Phoebe, who was initially in love with Ganymede (Rosalind), is distressed to learn that Ganymede is actually a woman and is in love with someone else. However, Silvius continues to profess his love for Phoebe, and in a twist, she agrees to marry him, realizing that true love was right in front of her all along.

At this point, Oliver shares the tale of how he saved Orlando's life from a lioness, which led to his transformation from a villain to a kinder person. This act of heroism brought about his change of heart, leading to his love for Celia.

In the midst of these reconciliations and newfound love connections, Touchstone, the court jester, shares some witty remarks and playful banter, adding a touch of humor to the scene.

The scene concludes with the entrance of Hymen, the god of marriage, who brings in the rustic folk, Audrey and William, to join in the celebration of love and marriage. Everyone in the group is happy and content, and the play concludes on a harmonious and joyful note.


Act 5, Scene 2, serves as the resolution to various conflicts and misunderstandings that occurred throughout the play. The theme of love and its transformative power is central to this scene. The forest, which initially represented a place of exile and confusion for the characters, becomes a place of healing and discovery.

The resolution of conflicts through love and forgiveness highlights the importance of compassion and understanding in human relationships. The characters' self-discoveries and realizations bring about positive changes in their lives and personalities.

The use of disguises throughout the play, especially Rosalind's disguise as Ganymede, adds an element of intrigue and comedy. It also provides a means for characters to speak more openly about their feelings and desires, leading to the resolution of romantic entanglements.

The entrance of Hymen and the rustic folk at the end symbolize the triumph of love and the joy of marriage, reinforcing the play's underlying message that love can conquer all obstacles and bring about happiness and unity.

Overall, Act 5, Scene 2, is a satisfying conclusion to "As You Like It," as it ties up loose ends, celebrates love, and reaffirms the harmonious nature of the forest setting. The scene showcases Shakespeare's skill in crafting intricate plots, complex characters, and heartwarming resolutions.
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